Saturday, June 4, 2011

Spanish Stallion

11 x 16 pastel and charcoal on paper. I really like this technique. I draw with charcoal, then I soften and smudge it and add more charcoal and pastel. It has a classic look I think. I also make sure, that even though this is an abstract, the horse's eye is realistic and draws you to the art. To me, the eye is a powerful focal point.  Hope you like this piece. I plan to do a series of horses in this style.


  1. I like this technique, too, and I'm looking forward to seeing more horses done in this way! Love the energy and movement you get in your horse works!

  2. Hi Theresa! Thanks for your comment. I try so hard to keep my horses "moving". Glad you noticed! I also enjoyed the horse portraits you did in charcoal. Hope you will do some more as well.

  3. I like your technique and the fusion of realism with abstract. You've given the subject so much movement and life!

  4. Thank you JZino! I am so glad you notice the movement in this. I also am enjoying this technique - abstract classicalism! HA!
