About Me

McMinnville, OR, United States
Hi! Welcome to my blog. I am a mixed media artist who lives in McMinnville, Oregon. I work in acrylics, watercolor, pastel, charcoal and other water and drawing media. My main subjects are abstracts, abstract landscapes, florals and gardens, equine abstracts and pet portraits. I love to use color! I try to incorporate the three C's in all of my work - color, contrast and composition! Most of these paintings are for sale. Please check with me for availability and prices if not posted. Contact me at: carol.engles@gmail.com carolenglesart.blogspot.com or text me at: (951) 704-2440 carolengles.artspan.com Art copyrighted 2008-2023

Monday, October 1, 2012

Cantering Stallion Three, charcoal equine drawing by Carol Engles

11 x 14 charcoal drawing on paper. This is the third "Cantering Stallion" - different style than the first two, but from the same photo. This one has less shading than the second one (posted here on Sept 5th), and a softer eye; whereas, the second has a more alert eye. There is one more in this series that will show another style/technique. Hope you enjoy them. I enjoy working in charcoal and ink because you  have no room for mistakes. Drawings can therefore be more difficult to do than oils and acrylics because you can't go back and correct your work. $100 plus shipping. Contact me at: jcengles@verizon.net

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