About Me

McMinnville, OR, United States
Hi! Welcome to my blog. I am a mixed media artist who lives in McMinnville, Oregon. I work in acrylics, watercolor, pastel, charcoal and other water and drawing media. My main subjects are abstracts, abstract landscapes, florals and gardens, equine abstracts and pet portraits. I love to use color! I try to incorporate the three C's in all of my work - color, contrast and composition! Most of these paintings are for sale. Please check with me for availability and prices if not posted. Contact me at: carol.engles@gmail.com carolenglesart.blogspot.com or text me at: (951) 704-2440 carolengles.artspan.com Art copyrighted 2008-2023

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Futura City Sunset, abstract painting by Carol Engles

17 x 23 watercolor, pastel and charcoal on paper. Another "Futura" painting. My husband loves these! He always asks me when will I do another. He's a science fiction fan, so that may explain it! I think they would look good in an civil or structural engineering firm's conference room. So, if you are an engineer, think about it!  My husband wants the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena to call me, too. HA!

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