Thursday, March 31, 2011

Los Angeles Cityscape Two, abstract painting

11 x 17 watercolor with pastel and charcoal on paper. I did this very quickly and have no idea where the idea came from other than I wanted to do something with neutral colors. And I titled it "Los Angeles Cityscape Two" because a lot of LA buildings are beige or tan. HA! I really didn't have LA in mind when I did this, but I had to give it a title. I am not sure that these are even cityscapes. One of my problems in describing my art or thought process is that I really don't always have a deliberate plan -  it just happens. I guess it is like scribbling when you were bored in school. But, this is one of my favorite styles. I could do these all the time.


  1. Wonderful work, Carol. How nice that they come to you so freely.

    Your horse is stunning!

  2. Thanks Carol! I am working really hard on my horses. Glad you like this one!
