About Me

McMinnville, OR, United States
Hi! Welcome to my blog. I am a mixed media artist who lives in McMinnville, Oregon. I work in acrylics, watercolor, pastel, charcoal and other water and drawing media. My main subjects are abstracts, abstract landscapes, florals and gardens, equine abstracts and pet portraits. I love to use color! I try to incorporate the three C's in all of my work - color, contrast and composition! Most of these paintings are for sale. Please check with me for availability and prices if not posted. Contact me at: carol.engles@gmail.com carolenglesart.blogspot.com or text me at: (951) 704-2440 carolengles.artspan.com Art copyrighted 2008-2023

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Dandelion Field

19x23 acrylic with pastel on paper. Something more Summer like! I had this vision in my head of dandelions, I don't know why! So, here's what I did! So much fun to do whimsical pieces. I usually don't look at anything specific when I do these. I get my best ideas early in the morning and then I try to get to work on them as soon as I can. I very seldom work late in the day on the art itself. I guess I am too tired from working with horses.


Unknown said...

Hi there, Carol! Enjoy looking at your work; like this one especially.... Oh- and beautiful stallion!

Carol Engles said...

Thanks Sally! I just sold this piece. It is one of my favorites, too. And our stallion is nice boy ... very gentle.