About Me

McMinnville, OR, United States
Hi! Welcome to my blog. I am a mixed media artist who lives in McMinnville, Oregon. I work in acrylics, watercolor, pastel, charcoal and other water and drawing media. My main subjects are abstracts, abstract landscapes, florals and gardens, equine abstracts and pet portraits. I love to use color! I try to incorporate the three C's in all of my work - color, contrast and composition! Most of these paintings are for sale. Please check with me for availability and prices if not posted. Contact me at: carol.engles@gmail.com carolenglesart.blogspot.com or text me at: (951) 704-2440 carolengles.artspan.com Art copyrighted 2008-2023

Thursday, February 24, 2011

San Diego Cityscape Six

10 x 14 watercolor with pastel and charcoal on paper. This one has fun colors, don't you think? I did San Diego Five, with the same color combination. I can't think of San Diego without thinking of blues, yellows and other bright colors. I know it is not nice to talk about beautiful San Diego and the usually pleasant winter weather. However, this Saturday we are getting a very cold rain storm. And last Sunday, when I drove to San Diego (about an hour south) the mountain peaks to the east were laced with snow. We may even have a bit of snow Saturday night where I live in Murrieta. So, we aren't totally spoiled here! HA!


silviawilliamspaintswatercolors said...

Nancy, I come to admire your art more and more and you have become an inspiration on my newly acquired path to abstraction. I love your use of space and beautiful colors. Silvia

Carol Engles said...

Thank you Silvia! I admire your work as well!